Monday, October 17, 2011

month 1: reflections


It's Mommy and Daddy writing to you this time. You're one month old! Can you believe it? We can't.

On your one-month birthday, you donned the little duckie outfit that you wore home from the hospital. It's probably the last time you'll wear it; the sleeves are getting short and you're almost too long for it.

 You've gone from being tiny (well, to us at least) to breaking out of your swaddle blanket, first experiencing freedom from the baby straightjacket when you were just days old.

You've graduated from sponge baths to the Puj tub.

You've smiled and interacted more each week, perhaps intentionally, at least, we'd like to think so.

You don't miss a meal, which is probably part of the reason you're in the 90th percentile for weight, but having a good eater is such a blessing. This month you've had blocked tear ducts, left sternocleidomastoid (a tight muscle on the left side of your neck), seborrhea (cradle cap), baby acne, and a gassy tummy, all of which have been manageable. We're grateful for your good health!

You're sleeping better than we expected. We'll never forget our first night together at home. We started a bedtime routine, laid you down in the crib awake, and hopped into our bed to watch you on the video monitor. You began to whimper and we wondered how long we should let a two-day-old fuss. Just when we began to feel cold and heartless and were on the brink of rescuing you (it had only been a few minutes), you calmed down and went right to sleep on your own, which you've done every night since then. You go down for naps fairly easily as long as we put you down in your crib, swing, or pack 'n play before you become overtired or overstimulated. If we miss that narrow window of opportunity, watch out--you put up a good fight! You're a little snoozer, and often drift off during feedings, burping, and tummy time. Mommy has to watch you like a hawk to make sure your belly's full before you completely pass out.

Falling asleep on your own isn't the only sign of your independent streak. Sometimes while nursing, you fall off the breast, but you become disgruntled if Mommy tries to help you back on. You like to do it yourself. You are truly a firstborn child!

Your personality develops more each day. You're a vocal baby, whether you're in a good mood or a horrible one. Understandably, your happiest interactions occur during and immediately after feedings. You smile and coo and make all sorts of noises and funny facial expressions. You love diaper changes, bath time, tummy time, and play time on the activity mat or in the swing. As long as you're engaging in some sort of activity during awake time, you're usually happy. You grow antsy and sometimes agitated resting in someone's arms or by yourself. We'd never describe you as a "chill" baby, but then how could you be? Your parents are pretty active and don't relax well themselves. You are a city baby, after all. You're running the rat race, even at one month old.

You can also be impatient and demanding, especially if you wake up from a nap and we don't feed you fast enough; when that happens, you melt down within about 30 seconds. We can't fault you for being impatient, Sweetheart. Neither of us are known for our patience. The evenings are your witching hours, usually between 7 PM and 9 PM. Daddy puts in a 10-12 hour day at work, and then comes home to your serenade of grumbling and screaming. You're a morning person and not a night owl, which actually suits our lifestyle very well. By 9 PM, we're all eager for bedtime. You're very much our baby!

And, how are we doing? Well, we're still a little shocked that you're here. There's really no easing in to parenthood: life has changed! Mommy doesn't read nearly as much as she used to, unless children's books count, and Daddy has barely turned on the TV since you arrived. Mommy has only cooked one meal of note in the past month and we've eaten few uninterrupted meals. Our normally tidy house is now dusty and cluttered with baby stuff. Our once pristine yard has become an overgrown jungle. And we don't go nearly as many places as we used to. But we're blissfully happy, Sweetie. Even on your worst days, when you've peed all over the house and screamed your head off, we can't remember or imagine life without you, and we don't want to. And on your best days, full of cuddles and coos and smiles, well, our joy and gratitude is indescribable. Each new day with you, no matter what the day brings, is a blessing.

We're so glad you're our baby, Mason. You're perfect for us! We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next month.

We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Aimee Olivo said...

One month? So hard to believe! Sounds like you are all doing fabulously! Can't wait to see the little guy again!

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