Thursday, October 13, 2011

Grandmom and Grandad Visit


First of all, greetings from Daddy. Mommy has been giving me a hard time since this blog is supposed to be from both of us. This is my first entry, but I'll try to make this a more regular occurrence in the future.

For my first effort, I get to tell you about your grandparents' visit. Following your Grandma and Grandpa's visit last week, Grandmom and Grandad came up from Tennessee to spend time with you and your Mommy and Daddy, and to help out around the house. You don't know this yet, but you're a lot of work, and we need all the help we can get!

Your grandparents had a great time getting to know you. We went to visit my office so they and you could see where I spend so much of my time. They also took you for a walk one day and spent lots of time holding you and telling you how cute you are. They brought you lots of goodies from friends in Knoxville that sent their love.

And, they did a ton of work. They painted and hung the letters above your crib and hung a poster above your dresser. They cleaned the house and mowed the yard and prepared our meals. It was a blessing having them here to help out and to spend time with us.

You'll get to see them again in a couple of months. You'll look quite different then! Until then, you'll see more of them as you enjoy being a high-tech baby.


1 comment:

Ron Thomas said...

Mason, We loved the time with you and your mom and dad. We enjoyed going with you to Dad's office. It was a beautiful day and you did just great. Love, Granddad & Grandmom Thomas

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