Tuesday, October 25, 2011

marathon day


Today we had a marathon day--we were away from home for over 11 hours. Before you, this type of day was not unusual for me. It was kind of nice to discover that I can have marathon days with you in tow. So get used to it, Cupcake. This is how your mama rolls.

We went to the University of Maryland to visit with my colleagues. Pushing a stroller there was weird; babies (and pets) are like aliens on a college campus.

You were a little angel while meeting my co-workers. You have never behaved as well for anyone, even Daddy and me, as you did for them. I can't blame you, though. They're good people!

I got a quick picture with you in my office before we left. Look how clean my desk is! You can tell I'm not working this semester.

We ran all kinds of errands: post office, bank, Babies R Us, and Target. You were a trooper!

After running around all day, you made your debut at my book club that evening. Mason, in the 9.5 years I've been a member of this book club, I've finished every selection before the meeting (97 books to date). However, October's selection, Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby, will go down in history as the first book I wasn't able to finish reading before the meeting. Guess why I was only able to read a measly 123 out of 400 pages, Sweetie?

You take up a lot of my time! Even during other busy periods of my life, such as completing a PhD program while working full-time and training for two marathons, I always made time for and finished my book club books. However, unlike school, work, or other activities, babies can't be dealt with whenever I find it convenient. Your basic needs trump my own basic needs, let alone my desires. So, the book fell by the wayside this month.

It's okay. I'll get back on track eventually. In the meantime, I'm counting all the children's books I'm reading to you toward my 2011 reading goals.

Cheers to marathon days and lots of reading in our future!

I love you!



Aimee Olivo said...

What a trooper! I'm impressed!! Have you thought about reading your book club books (or other adult books) out loud to Mason rather (or in addition to) kids books? He isn't understanding the words or concepts yet but it is the rhythm of out loud reading that is important for development. Just a thought!

Stacy said...

You are a fabulous Mommy, and Mason - What a trooper! I loved the comment about how babies are like aliens on a college campus, that is so so true! Lovable kissable adorable aliens :) Way to go Mason!

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