Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Competition for the Couch


Just a quick note to go over an important rule of the house. We haven't had to have too many conversations like this yet. I wouldn't expect you to automatically know this given your age and all, so you'll get a pass this time. But this is something you'll want to know for future reference.

See, I get first dibs to the couch. Period. There may be times when I graciously relinquish my rights and allow you or Mommy to use the couch. But unless permission is given, you need to stay away from my spot.

This comes up because of this picture. We decided to prop you up and take some pictures because we thought you looked cute in your outfit (and you did). Last time we propped you up like this, you squawked about it, so we were trying to move quickly. All of a sudden, we realized you had nestled yourself in to the cushions and fallen asleep with a sly little grin on your face. Long story short, that better be the last time that happens. Okay? Good, glad we had this little talk.



tnthomas1 said...

Watch out next thing he will want is the remote. It's a man thing :)

G and G T said...

Don't give up your spot. You look quite comfortable.

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