Sunday, June 17, 2012

month 9: reflections


Happy nine months, buddy. It's been an eventful month! Mommy is still working, but she's at home pretty much 100% now. It's a good thing, too, because you're doing something different each week. You're at such a fun age!

At the beginning of the month, you could pick up some food with your fingers, but hadn't quite mastered getting it into your mouth. One morning, you tried to eat some of Daddy's banana by putting your mouth on the plate.

Then, all of a sudden, you seemed to get the hang of feeding yourself. You look like a little ape when you do it. It's precious. We've sampled all the green and orange vegetables and allowable fruits that we can think of. You've also tried bread, black beans, and tofu. It's on to meat, cheese, and yogurt next month.

We went to a park with infant swings. You liked it, but the swinging relaxed you so much you nearly fell asleep.

We've declared a "no chores or errands" policy on the weekends so that we can get out and enjoy ourselves a little more. Besides the park and picnics, we sometimes go to coffee shops

or monuments.

We tend to be minimalists with "stuff". Who wants or needs a bunch of toys when there are laundry baskets,

empty canisters,

and measuring cups? (Way to be creative with the measuring cup, Sweetie! You play that guitar!)

You seem to love books and reading more each week. You get so excited when we lie down to read.

Look at that joyous face! Little Ladybug is your favorite book.

We are anti-shoes (for you) this summer. When else in your life will you ever be able to go barefoot anyplace you want?

You continue to be a pretty good communicator and babble constantly, saying baba, wawa, mama, and dada, but we don't think you associate meaning with any words yet. The dadas have exploded in recent weeks, much to Daddy's delight. You're very clear when you'd like to be picked up.

On June 4th, you amazed us by turning over on your tummy in your crib (when you were mad and crying it out) and falling asleep that way. Your tummy is no longer a terrible, awful place. You roll around and spend a lot of time on your tummy now. You have the baby cobra pose down.

You inherited Mommy's under bite. We call you our little bulldog.

You make funny faces.

We still see hints of our beloved little grouch,

but your personality has really come a long way!

Your sleep has been more disrupted this month than it has been since you began sleeping through the night, when you were eight weeks old. We think the separation anxiety combined with your will growing stronger has resulted in your fighting bedtimes and some naps and waking up in the middle of the night. You've even weaseled your way into our bed a couple of nights, which is horrible for all of us because you pull hair, scratch our faces, and hog the bed.

We're tired, yes, but we realize that this stage, like any other, has its pluses and minuses, and even the negatives aren't that bad. They won't last forever, and we even suspect that we'll miss them one day.

These months are flying by, sweet Mason! You continue to amaze and astound us. We never considered ourselves "kid people" before you arrived, but having your own child is different. We think you are just the cutest and most interesting little person. And we're so thankful you're all ours. Love you more and more each day!

Hugs and kisses,

Mommy and Daddy

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