Monday, October 31, 2011



It's an unoriginal costume choice, but I always said that my baby, if I ever had one, would be a pumpkin on his or her first Halloween. I didn't even look at other infant costumes. A pumpkin was your only choice!

The hat was too big.

Finding a costume small enough was a challenge. The one you ended up wearing was size six months, but it's the best and smallest I could find. I wanted you to have a real costume, not just a onesie with a pumpkin on it.

You wore the costume on three different days, so I'd say we got our money's worth out of it!

The fleece kept you really warm, encouraging you to doze off each time you wore it.

You manned our door on Halloween.

But you kind of fell down on the job. The fleecy costume was just too cozy!

You had your best nap of the day while waiting for trick-or-treaters. You screamed when we took off your costume. If the green leaves around the neck weren't a suffocation hazard, I would consider letting you sleep in this costume every night. You loved it!

You made such a cute pumpkin, Sweetie! You can choose your own costume from now on. Thanks for humoring me for your first Halloween!

I love you!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

first snow


It's only October, but we got a touch of snow today! You were napping when it began, and Daddy and I wondered whether we should wake you up or not. You won't remember your first snow, but we still wanted you to experience it.

The snow didn't amount to much, but it did accumulate a little on our deck, as you'll see in the picture below. The chilly air had woken you up by the time we made it out back.

After taking a few pictures, we laid you back down in the crib and you went right back to sleep. By the time you had finished your nap, the snow, and all traces of it, had vanished.

Daddy and I are glad we woke you up.

This snow makes me wonder if we'll get hit with another blizzard (or three) this winter, as we did two years ago. Being snowed in will be a different experience with a baby in the house.

We'll get through it!

Love you!

pouty lip


Minutes after you were born, you pooched out your lower lip and cried. It was pitiful. How did you learn to do that in the womb?

I finally captured your precious pout.

We see this expression much too often.

Life is tough when you're only six weeks old!

Let's practice smiling more, okay?

I love you!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

cute outfits


Now I understand why people talk about their babies outgrowing clothes before they can wear them. I'm trying my best to make sure you wear each of your outfits at least once. We had one day recently when you wore three brand new outfits all in one day because of pee and poop accidents--score!

I received this little froggie outfit from a friend.

You didn't mind the hat.

This next onesie says, "Mommy's big guy". Appropriate, isn't it?

The matching pants have a doggy on your bum.

The next outfit is one of my favorites. The shirt says, "Daddy loves me", and when paired with your first pair of blue jeans and your trendy black shoes, you look just like Daddy!

Loving my little model!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011



You'll grow into those cheeks someday, Sweetie. In the meantime, Daddy and I love smothering them with kisses, even if our doing so causes you to wrinkle your nose most of the time!



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

marathon day


Today we had a marathon day--we were away from home for over 11 hours. Before you, this type of day was not unusual for me. It was kind of nice to discover that I can have marathon days with you in tow. So get used to it, Cupcake. This is how your mama rolls.

We went to the University of Maryland to visit with my colleagues. Pushing a stroller there was weird; babies (and pets) are like aliens on a college campus.

You were a little angel while meeting my co-workers. You have never behaved as well for anyone, even Daddy and me, as you did for them. I can't blame you, though. They're good people!

I got a quick picture with you in my office before we left. Look how clean my desk is! You can tell I'm not working this semester.

We ran all kinds of errands: post office, bank, Babies R Us, and Target. You were a trooper!

After running around all day, you made your debut at my book club that evening. Mason, in the 9.5 years I've been a member of this book club, I've finished every selection before the meeting (97 books to date). However, October's selection, Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby, will go down in history as the first book I wasn't able to finish reading before the meeting. Guess why I was only able to read a measly 123 out of 400 pages, Sweetie?

You take up a lot of my time! Even during other busy periods of my life, such as completing a PhD program while working full-time and training for two marathons, I always made time for and finished my book club books. However, unlike school, work, or other activities, babies can't be dealt with whenever I find it convenient. Your basic needs trump my own basic needs, let alone my desires. So, the book fell by the wayside this month.

It's okay. I'll get back on track eventually. In the meantime, I'm counting all the children's books I'm reading to you toward my 2011 reading goals.

Cheers to marathon days and lots of reading in our future!

I love you!


Friday, October 21, 2011

a preview of your teenage years


Well, it happened: your first non-routine visit to the pediatrician. It only took five weeks for us to take advantage of the walk-in hour and sick entrance at your doctor.

You've had a bit of cradle cap and baby acne, which, at your one-month checkup, Dr. Anderson said was completely normal. But a day or two later, your cute little face and head became inflamed. You had splotchy red patches all over your face, neck, and scalp. Your baby acne blew up. Daddy and I worried that you might be allergic to something.

It turns out that seborrhea (cradle cap) had spread to your face and irritated your baby acne.

It was nothing serious, and some expensive cream--that you like to try to lick off your face--rectified the problem in just a few days, but we still felt badly for you. Let us apologize now for the skin issues you're sure to have as a teenager.  Even with pimples, you'll still be the most handsome guy ever.

Love you!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Capitol Hill visit


Our first week together completely on our own went pretty well--we emerged from seclusion into the world. We had plans every day and even got out of the house four of the five days this week. Besides your one-month appointment at the pediatrician, you met several other baby friends. A highlight of our week involved making your first official visit to Capitol Hill to see Daddy and meet his colleagues.

Driving there, finding a parking place, and walking to Daddy's office took longer than expected. Next time, once I'm fully recovered, we'll just walk from our house. 

Once we arrived, you turned into Mr. Fussypants quickly. You whimpered and grumbled as people tried to admire you and pay you compliments. You were such a sourpuss that no one wanted to hold you!

We escaped to Daddy's office where he tried to soothe you.

We calmed you down long enough to get a couple pictures.

Really, Honey, why the fussiness? You're a Capitol Hill baby, so you'd better learn how to schmooze if you want to survive in this city. Or, were you trying to act like those politicians who grumble incessantly?

We have some practicing to do, and then we'll make another visit so that you can (hopefully) redeem yourself. I know you're a charmer--you can do it!

Love you,


Monday, October 17, 2011

month 1: reflections


It's Mommy and Daddy writing to you this time. You're one month old! Can you believe it? We can't.

On your one-month birthday, you donned the little duckie outfit that you wore home from the hospital. It's probably the last time you'll wear it; the sleeves are getting short and you're almost too long for it.

 You've gone from being tiny (well, to us at least) to breaking out of your swaddle blanket, first experiencing freedom from the baby straightjacket when you were just days old.

You've graduated from sponge baths to the Puj tub.

You've smiled and interacted more each week, perhaps intentionally, at least, we'd like to think so.

You don't miss a meal, which is probably part of the reason you're in the 90th percentile for weight, but having a good eater is such a blessing. This month you've had blocked tear ducts, left sternocleidomastoid (a tight muscle on the left side of your neck), seborrhea (cradle cap), baby acne, and a gassy tummy, all of which have been manageable. We're grateful for your good health!

You're sleeping better than we expected. We'll never forget our first night together at home. We started a bedtime routine, laid you down in the crib awake, and hopped into our bed to watch you on the video monitor. You began to whimper and we wondered how long we should let a two-day-old fuss. Just when we began to feel cold and heartless and were on the brink of rescuing you (it had only been a few minutes), you calmed down and went right to sleep on your own, which you've done every night since then. You go down for naps fairly easily as long as we put you down in your crib, swing, or pack 'n play before you become overtired or overstimulated. If we miss that narrow window of opportunity, watch out--you put up a good fight! You're a little snoozer, and often drift off during feedings, burping, and tummy time. Mommy has to watch you like a hawk to make sure your belly's full before you completely pass out.

Falling asleep on your own isn't the only sign of your independent streak. Sometimes while nursing, you fall off the breast, but you become disgruntled if Mommy tries to help you back on. You like to do it yourself. You are truly a firstborn child!

Your personality develops more each day. You're a vocal baby, whether you're in a good mood or a horrible one. Understandably, your happiest interactions occur during and immediately after feedings. You smile and coo and make all sorts of noises and funny facial expressions. You love diaper changes, bath time, tummy time, and play time on the activity mat or in the swing. As long as you're engaging in some sort of activity during awake time, you're usually happy. You grow antsy and sometimes agitated resting in someone's arms or by yourself. We'd never describe you as a "chill" baby, but then how could you be? Your parents are pretty active and don't relax well themselves. You are a city baby, after all. You're running the rat race, even at one month old.

You can also be impatient and demanding, especially if you wake up from a nap and we don't feed you fast enough; when that happens, you melt down within about 30 seconds. We can't fault you for being impatient, Sweetheart. Neither of us are known for our patience. The evenings are your witching hours, usually between 7 PM and 9 PM. Daddy puts in a 10-12 hour day at work, and then comes home to your serenade of grumbling and screaming. You're a morning person and not a night owl, which actually suits our lifestyle very well. By 9 PM, we're all eager for bedtime. You're very much our baby!

And, how are we doing? Well, we're still a little shocked that you're here. There's really no easing in to parenthood: life has changed! Mommy doesn't read nearly as much as she used to, unless children's books count, and Daddy has barely turned on the TV since you arrived. Mommy has only cooked one meal of note in the past month and we've eaten few uninterrupted meals. Our normally tidy house is now dusty and cluttered with baby stuff. Our once pristine yard has become an overgrown jungle. And we don't go nearly as many places as we used to. But we're blissfully happy, Sweetie. Even on your worst days, when you've peed all over the house and screamed your head off, we can't remember or imagine life without you, and we don't want to. And on your best days, full of cuddles and coos and smiles, well, our joy and gratitude is indescribable. Each new day with you, no matter what the day brings, is a blessing.

We're so glad you're our baby, Mason. You're perfect for us! We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next month.

We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

one month sticker


Happy one month! I conducted a mini photo shoot using these neat stickers that denote your age. Expect this dog and pony show each month, honey. You did pretty well, but you lost patience toward the end.

You checked out well at your one-month appointment. You weighed 11 pounds, nine ounces, and were 22 inches long. You were in the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th percentile for height. Daddy and I are grateful that you're big and healthy! You also make my life much easier by being such a good eater. Thanks for that, sweetie.

I think you were dirtying your pants when the following picture was taken.

Your great great aunt Mary sent you an interactive teddy bear, Cooper, and a book that he narrates portions of. Daddy and I should have thought to do this when you were born, but starting with your one-month birthday, we'll take your picture next to Cooper each month to document your growth. Cooper won't change in size, but you certainly will!

Here's a hint of a smile. I ended the photo shoot just in time!

We love you, sweetheart!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

weekend fun


Isn't Daddy a great writer? I knew he'd enjoy contributing to your blog once he finally sat down and did it. The Tennessee/LSU game wasn't the only fun you had this weekend. Daddy and I also took you to one of our favorite places in our neighborhood: Eastern Market.

You helped us shop for Honeycrisp apples and vegetables.

We admired the flowers.

And you slept through all of it. Just wait until we take you back for breakfast one Saturday morning, Sweetie. With your appetite, you'll be demanding your own plate of blue bucks before long.

On Sunday morning, we all managed to wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and walk the six blocks to church. Even after spending extra time figuring out how to lock up your stroller outside the church, we still made it inside and sat down before the service started. Don't underestimate the major accomplishment that this was.

To our amazement, you slept strapped in your car seat for over three hours and barely made a peep, persevering throughout the walk there, the service, and the walk home. While at church, you met your baby friend Holden, who was born two days after you, and weighed two pounds less than you did at birth.

You're becoming a little more portable, Cupcake, which means we have all sorts of fun outings in store for us!

Love you,

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Another Tortured Fan is Born


There's something daddy needs to tell you. I grew up a fan of the University of Tennessee's sports teams, particularly basketball and football. I also attended the University of Tennessee, but that's less important for this story. I've been a Tennessee fan all my life. It really isn't my fault. I was born into it and your Grandmom and Granddad never gave me much choice.

Unfortunately, so were you and you don't have much choice, either. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have it any other way, and I trust you will feel the same in time. I've shared many wonderful moments with your grandparents, other family, and friends celebrating the glorious triumphs of the Volunteers. (By the way, that's our nickname, though we also have a blue tick coon hound named Smokey as a mascot. It's a little confusing, but I'll explain it all another time.)

In football, there was Vols 34 Gators 32. There was the night the Great Pumpkin hoisted the Crystal Ball. When I was a little closer to your age, there was a beautiful New Year's Day in the Cotton Bowl, the Battle of New Orleans and the day the Streak finally ended. The list for basketball is a little shorter. We're still waiting for our One Shining Moment, but 76-73 was fun. And when you're old enough to understand, I'll tell you about Pat Summitt.

But there's another side to the experience to which you are already becoming accustomed. Put it this way. My earliest memory of Neyland Stadium was a game against Georgia in 1980 where this happened. And there's plenty more where that came from.

This is particularly relevant now. As you know, your Grandmom and Grandad visited last week, and brought with them your first official game day uniform. So today you suited up for the first time to cheer on our Volunteers against mighty LSU. I'm proud to say you gave your all for Tennessee. The bad news? The good guys lost 38-7. Your response was appropriate. I'm sad to say this probably isn't the last time being a Tennessee fan makes you cry.

The good news? You slept through most of it and won't remember a thing. This runs your career record as a fan to 1-3. Obviously, this won't do. But with a little focus and determination, you can turn it around. Lord willing, you have plenty of time.

There's much more to say on this topic, but I'll save it for another day. I don't want to overwhelm you all at once. In the meantime, Go Vols! And, son, get used to this.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Grandmom and Grandad Visit


First of all, greetings from Daddy. Mommy has been giving me a hard time since this blog is supposed to be from both of us. This is my first entry, but I'll try to make this a more regular occurrence in the future.

For my first effort, I get to tell you about your grandparents' visit. Following your Grandma and Grandpa's visit last week, Grandmom and Grandad came up from Tennessee to spend time with you and your Mommy and Daddy, and to help out around the house. You don't know this yet, but you're a lot of work, and we need all the help we can get!

Your grandparents had a great time getting to know you. We went to visit my office so they and you could see where I spend so much of my time. They also took you for a walk one day and spent lots of time holding you and telling you how cute you are. They brought you lots of goodies from friends in Knoxville that sent their love.

And, they did a ton of work. They painted and hung the letters above your crib and hung a poster above your dresser. They cleaned the house and mowed the yard and prepared our meals. It was a blessing having them here to help out and to spend time with us.

You'll get to see them again in a couple of months. You'll look quite different then! Until then, you'll see more of them as you enjoy being a high-tech baby.
