Thursday, February 16, 2012

growing up


We've had a big month of upgrading products to accommodate your growing up.

You've gone from a little baby in the bassinet of the pack 'n play

to a big kid stuck in the bottom because he's too heavy for the bassinet.

You're too big to swaddle now, so you wear a sleep sack, which, much to Daddy's chagrin, I lovingly refer to as your nightie. We went cold turkey and took away the swaddle about two weeks ago. Much to our amazement, you didn't miss it at bedtime and still slept soundly through the night. Naps, however, were a different story.

 You used to ride in the stroller in your car seat.

Now you sit up in the stroller like a big boy.

You started out getting sponge baths near the kitchen sink.

Once your umbilical cord fell off, you moved up to the Puj tub in the bathroom sink.

And now you've graduated to a little tub that sits in the big tub.

You still enjoy your baths, unless it's been a long day on the job, and then you suck your thumb and whimper through it. The first time we put you in the new tub was on a weekend, and therefore a happy day, as evidenced in the picture below.

We can barely keep up with you, Sweetie. As soon as we figure out and get comfortable using one product, you're ready to upgrade. Slow down a little, okay? Your contraptions only keep getting bigger, and more complicated.

I love you!


1 comment:

Amy- Taylors East said...

I love that tub! He'll be in it until he's 2. Plus you don't waste a bunch of water.

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