Tuesday, January 17, 2012

month 4: reflections


Another month is over! And what a whirlwind this past month has been: holidays, travels, and Mommy returning to work. Oi vey. We all could use a vacation.

You've entered the stage where anything and everything goes into your pie hole. You're showing signs of teething, too.

You've become quite grabby, and will reach for most things. You hang on tight when we carry you around the house. You love to touch our hands, fingers, faces, and clothes, and you grab big handfuls of Mommy's hair. Overall, you've gotten much friendlier toward us. You bombard us with coos, smiles, and laughs. You've even warmed up to other people--a little--but you're still not smiling at strangers in the grocery store yet.

Rolling from belly to back is what's cool, and you're loving it.

You made a new baby friend. He lives in our mirrors and makes you smile and shriek with delight. This development has brought us hours of entertainment, and lots of little fingerprints on Mommy's freshly cleaned mirrors.

Just yesterday, we placed you in the exersaucer for the first time. A new world opened up to you. You love to stand up.

Despite all the fun you now seem to be having, you can still be one serious and demanding little dude.

We're figuring you out though, little cookie! You won't get the best of us!

Four months into parenthood, we can still remember what our lives were like before you arrived. In truth, there are some things we miss about those days. We had time--so much time!--and freedoms that just aren't available now. Parenting, even with a good baby like you, is hard, for both expected and unexpected reasons. But, even during the most difficult moments or situations, we understand that these days are fleeting. Lord willing, there will come a day when our house will be too quiet and we'll have freedom to do whatever we want, whenever we'd like. We will long for a sweet bundle to depend on us for every need, no matter what sacrifices are required on our parts. We will fondly recall the myriad coos, babbles, smiles, and giggles. We'll laugh about how Mommy kept track of your dirty diapers with her iPhone app, and how before becoming parents, we just couldn't fathom all the time and energy we'd spend talking about and keeping track of someone else's poop!

Yes, sweet Mason, we know that this time is a season and that it won't last forever. We are blessed to have this experience and all the ups and downs that it entails. Cheers to another month! We love you more than ever.

Hugs and smooches,

Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

G T and T said...

Happy 4 month old birthday, Mason. We loved every one of your pictures. One of our favorite was you laughing as you are about to roll over. Keep smiling and laughing. We love you.

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