Saturday, December 17, 2011

month 3: reflections


You're a quarter of a year old!

Tummy time has taken center stage this month, and you've hated every minute of it. The back of your head is getting flat, so we've had no choice but to force you to spend more time on your belly or upright. The positive side to all of this tummy time is that you rolled from belly to back for the first time on December 11th, when you were 12 weeks and one day old.

Being on your tummy makes you furious, and your relief at pushing yourself over always brings a smile to your face.

Of course, our clapping and cheering each time you roll over helps. We've also heard the beginnings of belly laughter--we can't wait to hear how your laugh develops over the coming months!

To stay off your back a little more each day, you sometimes nap in the Ergo.

You love to be carried around the house--not like a baby, of course, but up on our shoulder so you can look around. You've never liked being held, at least in a snuggly/cuddly sort of way, or cradled like a baby. You also don't sit peacefully and relax on our laps. Moments like this are rare.

You'd rather lie on the couch or floor and wave your arms and kick your feet--you are the most energetic baby we know. And you've developed an amazing set of abs--you're not nearly as chubby in the middle as you used to be. Your energy, combined with your temper, makes us think that we'll be making several visits to the principal's office one day. We'll see.

We're convinced that you know, and love, your home. No matter how fussy you get when we've been away for too long, as soon as we get home and put you on the couch, your screams turn to coos and smiles. Your relief is palpable. There's no place like home for you. 

Strangers and large groups make you nervous. You make more eye contact with us when around new people or in unfamiliar places than you do when we're all at home together. You're not one of those babies who beams at or even makes much eye contact with strangers--at least, not yet. Pretty much the only time you sit peacefully in our arms is when we're surrounded by other people. You must feel safe there. And although you're plenty vocal and even loud at home, when you're around other kids, you're quiet and shy, taking it all in.

You're much more aware of our presence now. If we leave you lying on the play mat or in the crib, and leave the room for a few minutes, it's not long before you start fussing for us to come back. And when we do return, all we have to do is talk to you and you settle down, smile, coo, and start playing again. Sometimes, it's clear that you do want us to hold you--only in your preferred way, of course--and that does our hearts good.

You've always shown an interest in our meals, and recently, you've been acting like a little doggie, begging for scraps.

Sometimes we'll sit on the couch and eat dinner with you lying in between us. You watch every bite that Mommy takes while you lick and smack your lips. Do you know how unsettling it feels to have someone watching your every bite? Seriously, Cupcake, you're only three months old! How are you going to hold out another three months before we give you solids? You're going to be a fun dining partner, though. You truly enjoy your meals!

We got out of the house two evenings this past month without you. We still haven't attempted dining out at night with you yet. Other restaurant patrons wouldn't appreciate your grumbling, and bedtime starts shortly after 7 PM, so there's really not time. We've had one picture taken of the two of us alone since you've been born--someone's been hogging our camera.

Happy three months, Mason! Life with you is an adventure and each month gets more fun as you develop and grow. We're excited for what you have in store for us next month! We love you more each day.

Hugs and kisses,

Mommy and Daddy

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