Sunday, December 18, 2011

holiday party


Santa's not your only seasonal fun this year. I took you to a holiday party with my book club, and there were more children there than members! You were one of eight boys and there were two girls in the group. You and Caroline were the youngest in attendance.

The party, and I'm fearing social gatherings in general, wasn't your scene, though. You cried if anyone but me held you. And you had a complete meltdown when we took pictures of the kids together.

You weren't sure about those other kids, or their mamas. You only wanted your own mama.

It was a rough outing for you, but wouldn't you know it, as soon as we got home, you found your happy place again. You cooed and smiled and laughed and flailed and kicked, all while you babbled to Daddy in your special language. It was like you were telling him all about the party, and what a great time you had. I knew better! Every party has a pooper and you earned the honors this time. That's the little grouch I know and love!

Social skills training begins in earnest immediately.



1 comment:

Amy- Taylors East said...

Ha- this is hilarious. I love it!

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