Wednesday, October 17, 2012

life at 13 months


Here is what you're up to at 13 months old:
  • Mommy weaned you from the breast, and the bottle shortly thereafter. A couple of days before we took your bottles away cold turkey, you learned to hold the bottle yourself. 

  • You're still not completely happy about cows' milk in a sippy cup, but we're working on it.
  • You have entered an affectionate stage, giving us kisses and zerberts all the time, voluntarily and when prompted. You constantly kiss pictures of all three of us and the characters in your favorite books. You kiss the poster in your room from this year's book festival. You try to kiss your baby friends and when they run away from you, you settle for kissing their mommies.
  • You've been described by several as sensitive. Even though you're often clingy and high maintenance in the church nursery, and you cry every time we leave you there, we love your passion and tender heart.
  • You can destroy something in a matter of seconds. 
  • You shy away from the camera and having your picture taken. It's rare to get a picture of you now when you're looking at the camera AND smiling. Our photographer had a heck of a time at your one-year photo shoot.
  • Once every 50 or so pictures we get lucky: eye contact and a smile.
  • You're walking very well in between people and furniture. Mommy coaxed you to walk the length of our living and dining rooms without any assistance, but you have yet to repeat that stunt for Daddy. As with other milestones, you seem to make good progress and then regress for a time. You're cautious, and even fearful at times, which may mean that we make fewer trips to the emergency room than the parents of another boy. We are patiently awaiting the day when you'll no longer need or want to hold on to our index fingers to walk around. You'll get there when you're ready.
  • Your appetite is still voracious, and you've learned to sign for "more". You can also feed yourself with a spoon.
Happy 13 months, Cupcake! We love you and are incredibly proud of you.


Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

G and G T said...

Congratulations on walking! Love you.

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