Mommy is back in the office this week and next, finishing up her time at work before she starts her new full-time job with you. That means your grandparents are wrangling with you and enjoying all of your new tricks. While they're here, we are celebrating your first birthday with each set. This is a special occasion for them, and for you, this means three separate birthday celebrations spread out over several weeks. Not a bad deal you've managed to swing!
Grandmom and Grandad are up first, and so today was birthday celebration number 1. You and they had a great time. Your first stop was the spray ground just a short stroll from our house. As we've established, you love the water and you loved playing in the fountains.
The next stop was Taylor Deli on H Street for lunch. You're not quite ready for your own sandwich, but we heard you did some damage to theirs.
That evening, we had dinner, and then Mommy and I helped you blow out your candle. Then you loved your ice cream treat, the first of several birthday desserts to come. After dinner and dessert, you got to open presents. The gifts themselves were nice, but I think you found the wrapping paper the best part!
All in all, it was the perfect start to your birthday celebrations. Thanks to Grandmom and Grandad for the nice presents and for caring for you so well!
And for you, the birthday fun is just getting started.
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