Tuesday, July 17, 2012

month 10: reflections


The months roll by, and they only seem to get busier and more exciting.

This month, you learned to wave and clap. And your hair has gotten long and crazy--you're a frightening sight in the mornings.

Household chores have become almost fun, with your help.

With heavy hearts, we retired your green play mat to the basement, with all of the other items you've outgrown. We're accumulating quite a collection down there.

Your thumb is still your bestie.

But you have a fun group of peeps, too.

A little attitude crops up sometimes. And you grow red in the face, clench your teeth, and yell at people.

But at other times, you're just the sweetest cupcake ever.

A bad storm caused a tree to fall on Mommy's car and flower bed, and you rushed outside in your jammies to inspect the damage.

You still show no interest in crawling, and can't pull yourself up, but you love it when we stand you at the couch. You'd much rather walk than crawl.

You're not full-on cruising yet, but one day, you inched along the ottoman to meet our beloved house plant, Fern. You threw dirt from her pot onto the clean floor. Oi vey.

You signed up for the summer reading program at our neighborhood library, and have already logged enough hours to earn a free book and night light.

Yogurt, cheese, and meat, this month's introductions, delight you. And we're thrilled that you're now enthusiastically eating pretty much what we eat. You've gobbled down Mommy's spinach tortellini with tomato cream sauce and sweet and sour chicken over rice, among many other homemade favorites. We're particularly proud that you've now sampled peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms, condiments, salad (with dressing), spices, herbs, chickpeas, strawberries, and tomatoes. Bon appetit!

There's no doubt that our lives have drastically changed since your arrival, but month by month, we're figuring out ways to fold you in to our former hobbies and passions.

You're spirited, hot-headed, and impatient. We've known those character traits since your first night in this world when you rightly earned the reputation of the "angry baby" in the hospital. Your little temper's going to land you on the naughty step in the not-so-distant future. We've already had to start disciplining you, for biting people's shoulders and touching things you know you're not supposed to.

But when you're not yelling at us or demanding something, you really are the most affectionate little guy ever. You love to touch, talk, and play. Your kisses make our day. And so do the exuberant kicking, flapping, and lunging at us after we've left you in someone else's care, even for a very short time. It's nice to be missed! And even though you can't tell us yet, it's nice to feel your love and trust in all sorts of ways.

We hope you know and feel our love for you, Sweetheart. It only grow stronger every day.

Happy 10 months!


Mommy and Daddy

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