Sunday, August 25, 2013

the beach


Oh, how we love our annual vacations! And oh, how all three of us adore the beach! This year's destination was Topsail Island, North Carolina.

You walked to the beach independently every day this year, which was a huge help. Daddy and I have no idea how we schlepped you (at 10 months) plus all of our stuff to the beach last year. Next year, Lord willing, you'll be big enough to help us carry some of the stuff!

You really had a ball this year. You were cautious of the ocean and waves at first, which we were happy about because we didn't have to worry about your running into the ocean without us.

You could have played in the sand all day. You made lots of eggs in your bucket, and drove your truck all around.

We had the best weather Daddy and I have ever experienced on a beach vacation, so with the exception of one lunch and two dinner outings, we never left the beach, pool, and condo areas.

One day for lunch, we went to a 1950s diner where we found an old school, coin-operated ride, similar to what Daddy and I enjoyed as children.

This vacation included two unfortunate casualties. All summer, we have tried and tried and tried (without success) to get you to wear your sunglasses. On our second or third day at the beach, you suddenly decided that you were ready to wear them. And you talked about them and wore them constantly. I'm thankful we got a couple of cute pictures of you with your glasses on.

On our last day, the waves were fast and rough. A huge wave crashed over our heads and knocked you and me down (and under water). We were all wearing our sunglasses. Daddy's survived. Mine remained on my head, but the force of the wave popped one lens out, which was kind of funny! Your sunglasses, sadly, were long gone. We looked in the water and up and down the shore hoping to find them, but we never did. When we ask you where your glasses are, you say, morosely, "Beach."

Daily exposure to the pool greatly increased your confidence in the water. Although we've faithfully taken you under water at each pool visit since last July, you began our vacation only jumping into the pool if holding tightly to our hands and only going under if we dunked you. However, by the last day, you were running, jumping, and going under water on your own initiative, making your former lifeguard mommy very, very proud!

Here's a funny action shot for proof. You make quite a splash!

Once again, Daddy and I would never describe this or any vacation with you as relaxing, but we certainly made memories and loved every moment of our time together. We love you and all that you add to our (formerly relaxing) vacations!

Hugs and kisses and happy swimming,


Saturday, August 24, 2013

summer fun


As usual, our lives are full. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to this summer.

mastering the slide

trying to be like Mommy


wearing a big boy backpack 

witnessing the orangutan crossing at the zoo

multiple trips to the zoo

Happy Father's Day!

I love you, Daddy! 

visiting Grandmom and Granddad in Tennessee

celebrating July 4th with Auntie, Grammy, and Grandpa on the National Mall

There's nothing like July 4th in DC!

annual carousel ride on the National Mall

water lilies in bloom at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

lots of water time this summer
blueberry picking

We also picked blackberries on that trip . . .

and rode down a giant slide.

These produce-picking outings are some of our favorites.

Fresh fruit, beautiful scenery, and lots of open space for running-what more could one ask for?

Running with--and barking orders at--Mommy.

relaxing in the back yard

visiting the Eco-Goats at Congressional Cemetery

viewing the Titan Arum's bloom at the U.S. Botanic Garden

your new happy place--the train observation platform behind Union Station
Apple picking! We also picked peaches and blackberries (again) that day.

