Monday, April 30, 2012

Grandmom and Grandad Visit


Your Grandmom and Grandad recently visited to watch you for a few days. I think you all enjoyed hanging out together. 

Getting you to smile at just the right moment for the pictures is a work in progress, but you're still awfully cute.

Mommy and I also attended a wedding one of those days. We got a picture of the three of us with Mommy and me both dressed up. That hasn't happened often since you were born. And I have to say, your Mommy and I look pretty good if I do say so myself. You're going to have to step it up.

Anyway, help from the grandparents is most appreciated. And I know they love spending time with you and getting to know you. And yes, you wear them out just as much as you wear us out. 


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

month 7: reflections


This month has been full of changes and activities. At the beginning of the month, you needed a little support while sitting.

Now, you're pretty stable on your own.

Learning to eat solids was a struggle at first, but now you're all over it. You clamp your eight--yes, EIGHT!-teeth down on the spoon and won't let go. You also pound the tray, demanding more, when we don't feed you fast enough. To date, you've eaten rice cereal, bananas, avocados, asparagus, zucchini, applesauce, peas, sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, and mangoes. Sweet potatoes, pears, and mangoes were instant hits. The others, you've warmed up to. You like some foods more than others, but when it comes down to it, you eat anything and everything. You love to eat, just like you always have. We're thankful for that!

This month, you've started working from  home. It's a pretty good gig!

You also learned how to navigate the jumper that hangs in the doorway between our living room and kitchen. Jumping is a favorite activity. You could do it all day!

Sitting on the couch and playing the piano entertains you.

The photos on our refrigerator fascinate you, especially the ones of our little family.

We've started taking you down the slide at the park. You're still getting used to it.

Six months seems to be a real turning point in the lives of babes. Now, we see many more glimpses of what you'll be like as a little boy than we do of the newborn bundle we brought home back in September. We are both joyful and sad about this. Each stage with you only grows more fun and we are incredibly thankful for your good health and development. But these moments and memories are fleeting. You're growing up so fast. Our hearts can barely take it.

We love you, Mason.

Mommy and Daddy

seven-month sticker


You're seven months old!

You can sit up like a big boy.

And you love it!

Cheers to another month!

I love you!


Saturday, April 14, 2012



The last time you and I went to the National Arboretum was four days before you were born. We hiked up the azalea hill to the top of Mount Hamilton so I could see a view of the Capitol and Washington Monument. I remember thinking that, Lord willing, I'd bring you back to see the azaleas in full bloom, and that's what we did today.

The three of us had an awesome time picnicking on a blanket before venturing to see the flowers, which were at their peak.

We are so thankful for your Bob Revolution stroller. That thing is a tank! But a punier stroller never would have made it over the sometimes rough terrain.

Kudos to Daddy for pushing you up the hills and along the bumpy trails. What a workout!

You slept through most of our hike, but you woke up for a quick family picture.

You were still sleepy, so we put you back in the stroller. A nice woman came along and offered to take Daddy's and my picture together. We jumped at the chance since we've only had two or three pictures of us taken alone together since you arrived. But guess what?

You still sneaked your way into our picture, and I just don't have the heart to crop you out of it.

We are a blossom-loving family. Cherry blossoms, azaleas--we love them all. Happy spring!

Love you!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

happy easter


Daddy and I aren't doing a very good job with any of your first holidays. They seem to pass us by without our doing anything special or starting meaningful traditions. We did pull off an Easter outfit and basket for you this year, though.

You were fascinated by the basket. We're glad you like it because it's yours to use each year from now on, Lord willing. In future years, expect sweet treats. But this year, we filled the basket with a few things you need for summer: swim suits, floppy hats, sunscreen, and a pair of sunglasses. You're all set for summer now! We also gave you the snack tray attachment for your stroller, another imminent necessity.

Let's talk about your outfit. Understand that I don't get to go crazy with hair bows and frilly dresses, so every now and then, you'll have to indulge me by wearing a frou frou outfit. I found this darling, designer jon jon at a consignment sale. You're tough on clothes, and you grow out of them too quickly to justify paying full, and especially designer, prices. But this barely worn number for $8 was perfect, and exactly what I had in mind for your first Easter. You looked adorable!

Daddy and I love you and are more thankful for you each day. Happy Easter, Cupcake.



Thursday, April 5, 2012



You went on a safari recently, in our living room.

Grammy, being the talented seamstress that she is, wanted to make you something. You have enough handmade blankets, so she went a different route: soft, pliable, pillow-pet-like jungle animals. You now have a mama hippo, a baby hippo, and an elephant.

All three animals are wearing some sort of Illinois paraphernalia, to represent the Illinois side of your family. Grammy made these pets from some old t-shirts and other materials she already had. She only had to buy the stuffing. Aren't they amazing?

These animals will be perfect toys once you become mobile. You can crawl and roll and fall all over them. They're big, and provide lots of cushion.

Our house and lives have become a bit zoo-like since your arrival, so these new animals should feel right at home here.

Happy playing!



Sunday, April 1, 2012

race supporter


Today was a big day for Daddy and me. We ran 10 miles at our favorite race. Together. Without you. And without walking (except while drinking water at the stations). We have run no more than six times and no farther than five miles at once since you arrived. Finishing this race was a huge accomplishment!

You came out to cheer us on. Grandma and Grandpa hauled you and your stroller around the course to see us at key mile markers. They've been to a number of our races and are seasoned cheerleaders. They knew just what to do, and they trained you well.

Grandma (or Grammy, as I've started calling her) made signs for you to hold and wave. These signs were instrumental in finding you on the sidelines at miles 1 and 5, and the finish line. Look how fresh Daddy and I look in the pre-race photo.

We look pretty beat in the post-race picture. Hey, I said that we finished the 10-mile course. It was not without extreme effort.

One of our favorite memories is sprinting toward the finish line and seeing you recognize us and beam at us from the sidelines. You truly helped us to finish strong, Cupcake!

You wore your running outfit, your shirt that says, "Someday, I'll run like my mommy."

You loved Daddy's sign.

You were a huge motivator, Mason. Thanks to you, Grandma, and Grandpa for cheering us on!

Happy running.

