Friday, May 17, 2013

life at 20 months


Just after you turned 19 months, we decided it was time for your first haircut.

what you would look like if you were a girl

You've developed a real fear of others invading your personal space. It all started at your 18-month checkup. You lose it in all doctors' offices now, even if the appointment is not for you. So we weren't surprised when you freaked out when we sat you in the barber chair alone and Hanna got too close. Mommy's lap comforted you, but you still cried throughout most of your first haircut.

with Hanna, or Nanna, as you call her

You can see!

Your language has exploded and we've lost count of the number of words you can say. You've transitioned from saying Mama to Mommy, which we find both endearing and sad at the same time. You're starting to put two words together (Uh-oh Dada!, Go Mommy! Go truck!) and your favorite word right now is NO! You still love to cook and can even request what you want for breakfast.

You're a huge help in the yard and garden, and throw a fit every time we make you come inside.

You are obsessed with planes, helicopters, trains, and trucks. You've started playing independently at home with your cars and trucks.

Friends are precious gems, and we're glad that you have a few. Play dates are getting more fun!

Two fun outings this month included seeing the azaleas at the National Arboretum

and going strawberry picking for Mother's Day!

Here's this year's official Mother's Day picture. You are such a joy, sweet Mason!

You've learned to go down the slides at the park completely by yourself. And water, oh the joys of water! We're so glad we dunked you repeatedly last summer because this year, you aren't at all afraid of getting your face wet in the fountains. We'll see how you act at the swimming pool.

We love you!


Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

G and G T said...

Good job on your strawberry picking.

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